Interview with Taylor Fay

Interview: Ekaterina Spiridonova.

Editor: John Wilbur.

Photos: Taylor's social networks.

Taylor Fay is a North West England actor best known for Last Light (2022), Shadow and Bone (2021) and Changing Ends (2023).

Hello, Taylor! We're really excited to have you on our interview. You're our youngest guest, but you're already very successful. Tell us about yourself! How old are you? What city were you born in? Who supports you the most in your career?


— Hello, I’m very glad to be answering your questions. I am actually 864 so I am the oldest now. (Laughing) I was born in Lancashire which is in England and my mum supports me most I think. Because she has to do lots of hard work for me but my whole family all are proud of me and I have Dennie (Gordon last light director) and Carol (Wilson agent) who help me do anything I want to do.


Have you gone to acting school or something? We really want to know from you what it's like to be an actor?


— No I didn’t go to acting school and the good things about being an actor is they pay you to walk around eating food and going on holiday looking at all the expensive sets, and there might be like a car chase or a gun fight and it’s very cool and It’s very fun. 


Is it exciting to try out for auditions for different projects?


— No. It’s boring because a lot of the time you have to learn about twenty million scripts because it’s just a self tape but it’s fun if you get to go to the casting because it might be in London or something like that and you get to go on trains and do loads of fun stuff and then the best bit is on set if you get the job and get to do all of the acting. 


Do you have a dream role? If so, what is it and why do you want to play the role?


 — My dream role is Adam Sandlers son in anything because he is the best person ever and a good actor and it would be funny to work with him because he’s very entertaining and I feel like he would be nice.  

You have such popular projects in your filmography as «Shadow and Bone», «Last Light», «Changing Ends». Which one are you most memorable for?


— I think «Shadow and Bone» because all the fans of the show are all really nice to me and when we went to comic con I got to meet some and that was cool. But I think I have the most memories from «Last Light» because I filmed that for 4 months and maybe people know me for that I don’t really know because I dont really think anyone knows me. 


We enjoyed your acting in the second season of «Shadow and Bone». Were you excited to be a part of this fantastic story? Could you share your impressions of filming with us?


— Thank you for the compliment and it was very good filming shadow and bone because the director and the crew were all nice. It was very good listening to Jack play piano because I didn’t know he was that good but I still think I was better. (Laughing)


Have your parents picked their favorite characters? Tell us who their favorite is?


— Yep. Dads is Kit because he said he’s just brilliant every time hes on screen. Mum said Alby is her favourite because its me (laughing) that’s actually a good answer mum (to me). 

Who's your favorite character from «Shadow and Bone»?


— I’m not saying a favourite cause everyone was nice and I am picking everyone because the actor who plays Pekka is very nice and he gave me some chocolate and Fflyn was very nice a and I watched his acting and he’s very very good. And then the actors who played Wylan and Jesper who are called Kit and Jack were really kind to me as well so I am picking everyone. And mum said Jessie was there but I didn’t know she was there because i was running onto set and mum said she was laughing at me and watching my scene so that is cool as well. 


What scene did you enjoy acting the most?


— Definitely piano because I actually got to play it and do what ever tune wanted on it. And that day on set I got to walk around it all and it looked really smart and there was a chess board and I love chess but if you touched it you had to put everything back perfectly for when they was filming it again.


What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have hobbies?


— I do football and play for a team and I do Thai boxing and I have dogs and I play on my Xbox and I’ve got my brothers and sister as well to like talk to and watch football with and I do fitness with Jessy who’s my sister. 

Favourite movie? 


— Godzilla vs King Kong.


Favorite TV series? 


— Cobra Kai. 


Favorite book?


— Probably Wonder because it’s the last one I read. 


Your favorite quote?


— Insulting someone is like throwing a rock in the ocean you don’t know how deep it will go.


Your favorite singer/band?


— George Ezra.


Your favorite song?


— Godzilla. 


Marvel or DC?


— Marvel.


What's your Hogwarts House?


— Slitherine.


Do you have an idol and if you do, who is it?


— Adam Sandler.