Interview with KALEIDA

Interview: Ekaterina Spiridonova.

Editor: Valerie Panova.

Photographer: Benjamin Hampston.

Creative direction: Noa Zarfati.

KALEIDA is an English-German electronic duo formed in 2013. The band consists of vocalist Christina Wood and keyboardist Cicely Goulder.

Dear Christina and Cicely, we are very happy to have you on our interview! Tell us about how your summer went?


Christina: our summer have been busy! We played two festivals in Basel and Tallinn and have been travelling with our children.


Cicely: yep, busy with the children - mainly letting them be wild and free from city life. 


We have our traditional question: at what moment did you decide to connect your life with music and why?


Christina: maybe as a very young child? But not intentionally. It was just always there, music, always my favorite thing. Much later in life, and without training, I decided to devote a lot more time to it though, to try to learn how to write music. It’s definitely always been a healing, spiritual escape for me, listening to and making music. 


Cicely: ever since I was child - I begged my mother to let me play piano and I have been in love ever since!


Can you tell us about the name of your band? When and how did you come up with it?


Christina: we were emailing names back and forth, and I sent the name Kilda, after an island in the Hebrides I was really fascinated by, and Cicely misread it, and said Kaleida. We liked the name and looked up the old Greek meaning – ‘beauty in form,’ or ‘beauty made manifest.’ That seemed to fit! 

What has been the highlight of your career since the band was formed?


Christina: For me, the live shows are the highlights… connecting with the fans and being in the room together feeling the music. Playing in Warsaw was a recent highlight – such a great crowd.


Cicely: connecting with so many people around the world - it’s hard to believe sometimes.


Are you listening to your own music in your daily life?


Christina: only when practicing! One does get sick of it!


Cicely: ha, no, I can’t but I’m very happy that more people discover it every day.


Do you have any favorite songs of your own? If so, which ones and why?


Christina: I always like this track we made a while back called Power. I love the production Cicely did on it.


Cicely: I had forgotten that song existed! I love Convolution - it felt wild and I just let myself go on it.


Your songs have been the soundtracks of various projects such as «John Wick», «Atomic Blonde», «Charmed», «Wu Assassins», «Monarca» and others. Have you watched any scenes where your music was involved? If so, what emotions did you feel while watching?


Christina: I have watched a few… I am surprised still by how much people love that John Wick scene with Think. But if they love it, great!

We know that your In Arms tour went through not so long ago. Share your impressions about the tour!


Christina: It was so much fun, so much energy at the concerts, and it felt good to finally meet some of our fans and hear from them what the music means to them. For a lot of our listeners, it seems to really provide them with peace and solace. We love that.  


Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?


Christina: Read! And swim. Be alone. Not too exciting. (Laughing)


Cicely: For a long time it’s been mainly music and childrearing but this summer we did some wild swimming with the older ones and its made me remember how much I need open water in my life.


Could you describe yourself in 3 words?


Christina: Introvert, emotional, impatient.


Cicely: Strong, have lots of love but can get very angry… not 3 words.


Do you have certain rules of life that you adhere to?


Cicely: I value integrity. The truth.


Christina: I value compassion very much.

Favourite movie? 


Cicely: Fiddler on the Roof. 


Christina: Dancer in the Dark.


Favorite TV series? 


Cicely: The Wire.


Christina: Deadwood.


Favorite book?


Cicely: Anna Karenina.


Christina: So many I have loved. I have just read “Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead“ by Olga Tokarczuk and thought it was brilliant. 


Your favorite quote?


Cicely: “There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people.” ― G.K. Chesterton.


Christina: “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8. Or: “The Earth is all that lasts” - Lakota Song.


Your favorite singer/band?


Cicely: Couldn’t possibly choose.


Christina: So many…! Currently Sudan Archives and Jockstrap.


Your favorite song?


Cicely: Likewise.


Christina: Again, so many over the years. Right now Hot to Go from Chappell Roan. I also love Rage Against the Machine’s Killing in the Name. 

What's your house from Game of Thrones? 

Cicely: Never watched.


Christina: Never watched either!


Marvel or DC?


Cicely: No idea.


Christina: No idea, I have never seen either! 


What's your Hogwarts House?


Cicely: Never read!


Christina: Never read either! Sorry, we are strange.


Do you have an idol and if you do, who is it and why?


Cicely: Mother Mary :)


Christina: Currently, Kamala Harris, for her incredible strength.