Interview with Calahan Skogman
Interview: Ekaterina Spiridonova.
Editor: Valerie Panova.
Photographer: Logan Mock.
Special thanks to Allison Miriam Woodnutt and Unnamed Press.
Calahan Skogman is an American actor, writer and director. He became world famous for his role as Matthias Helvar in the film adaptation of Leigh Bardugo's «Shadow and Bone» books. Calahan also debuted his own book «Blue Graffiti» in 2024. In May 2025, we will see him in the movie «A Big Bold Beautiful Journey» with Colin Farrell and Margot Robbie.
Hello Calahan. It's an honor and a huge miracle to welcome you to our interview. Thank you for finding time for this. We have a traditional question: at what point of your life did you decide to become an actor? What inspired you to take this step?
— There was a moment during the end of my junior year of college that I’ll take with me forever and I believe signified the real start of it all. The curtain was closing on the opening night of the first real stage play I’d ever been a part of and I sat behind the set as the crowd gave a standing ovation. I started crying and I knew that I had found a great love of my life. I’ve been pursuing acting ever since.
Who did you dream of becoming as a child?
— I dreamed about becoming a great many things. A professional athlete, a movie star, a superhero. Mainly, though, I think the thing I truly wanted to do deep down was make my parents proud.
We know that you have acted in the theater. How do you feel when you go on a stage to show the role to the viewers? Is it exciting?
— There’s a nearly unquantifiable, spiritual sensation that happens when you take the stage as an actor. It’s raw, it’s live, there’s nowhere to go but into the story, into whatever that play shapes into that very night. It’s immediate and transformative. You’re in the eye of the storm and it’s one of the best feelings in the world.
The world will soon see the upcoming movie «Big Bold Beautiful Journey» in which you have played a role. Please share with us your impressions of shooting in this movie.
— It was a sincere honor to be a small part of «A Big Bold Beautiful Journey». I think I was a wallflower as much as an active performer, if not more so, and I enjoyed every second. For a moment there I got to share an artistic space with actors I deeply admire and I’ll never forget it. The atmosphere was honest and egoless and inspiring. I can’t wait to see the film, I have a feeling it’s going to be special.
What do you enjoy more: acting in the theater or acting in movies?
— It’s interesting, at their core they’re the same sort of dance, but they are wildly different as well. I love the audience and immediacy of theater, that relationship with the people that are engaging in it all with you. When you go to the theater you know that whatever happens that night, that’s the only night it will happen just that way. It’s special. I do love the nuance and the detail of cinema though, the craft it takes to make it come to life, take after take. I’m afraid it’s impossible for me to pick one form over the other.
If you could play any existing character, who would it be and why?
— I think there have been talks of a live action Hercules swirling about for quite some time now. I watched that movie a thousand times growing up. I have often dreamed… I’d love to find myself in the Dune films, the Star Wars or Marvel or DC universes, a Western, or a show like House of Dragons, The White Lotus, or Succession.
We are still in awe of your stunning performance as Matthias Helvar in «Shadow and Bone». Could you tell us how your role in this world-famous project influenced your life?
— It’s difficult to quantify the influence. In many ways it changed my life completely. I’m someone who loves the details, the little variations of the day to day, the minutiae of everything, and most days are filled with such small altering moments. Playing Matthias was one of the more grand life changes and one that I am still overflowing with gratitude for. The character meant everything to me, as did the world and ultimately, more than any of it, the fandom. I recognized the role the story played in so many lives, and I found it a beautiful responsibility to honor that and engage with it as much as I could and bring so many people joy. Shadow and Bone opened up about a million doors to me in so many facets of my life that it still leaves me in awe, and I’m eternally grateful for it.
Do you find similarities between yourself and Matthias? If so, what do you and your character have in common?
— There’s definitely a kinship. I see in him the honor, the belief, the longing and the sensitivity combated with the warrior, the young man in search of justice and strength but also love. The opening, the changing. The spirituality, the relationship with God. The faith in the beauty and the power of the elemental world. His romanticism.
In our interview with Thue Rasmussen, he told us that «it was a pleasure to hang out with Calahan Skogman and Dean Kelly. Those were the two actors I got closest with and they’re both beautiful, interesting people who I really enjoyed spending time with». Could you please tell us and our readers about the most comfortable persons you felt most comfortable with on set?
— I love Thue and Dean and miss them both. In the end, I think the cast and the relationships I made with so many of them are the most enduring elements I’ve been left with from the show, in a post Shadow and Bone world. Sometimes it all nearly seems a dream, the countless dinners and laughs and adventures in the streets of Budapest that filled me with such wonder and anticipation and thrill and joy. The nights with all of the crows, the park walks with my brother Ben, workouts with Gary, or mischief with Julian. It all brought me happiness and I miss them.
Have you read the books of the Grishaverse universe? If so, which one is your favorite?
— I’ve the Shadow and Bone trilogy and the Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom duology. I’ll have to go with Six of Crows on that one. NMNF.
You've succeeded not only in acting, but also in writing. In an interview with ReVamp magazine, you talked a lot about the creation and publication of your debut book «Blue Graffiti» and also mentioned that you plan to publish two more books. How are things going with that process?
— I’ve actually just sent out the prequel to Blue Graffiti to my agent last week. The whole process has been incredibly fulfilling. Writing continues to be such a vital daily practice in my life and an avenue for me to really engage with my inner world in a necessary and honestly healing way. I’ve felt very thankful for all the love and support that Blue Graffiti has garnered. People have been so gracious and kind. I can’t wait to share the prequel with them. More on that soon.
How long have you been passionate about writing?
— Ever since I can remember I’ve been using writing as an outlet to express myself and sort of reconcile with the world. I was doing that long before I ever could have described it that way. It’s still amazing to me what writing a single poem can do for me. There’s a great deal in my life that calls on me to be strong, fierce, and tenacious and forward thinking, but writing calls on me to use a different mechanism. A lighter, deeper, more sensitive and no less brave relationship, a creation that inspires me and mends me and keeps me sane. I love it more than most anything.
What is the inspiration for writing poems and books?
— My own life and all the dreams that weave in and out of what I see and feel in myself and the world around me.
Share with us what emotions you're feeling after your PR tour.
— Any sort of self promotion makes me feel a bit ill, but the tour for Blue Graffiti really limited the negativities of that and it was because of the people that showed up. They reminded me why I wanted so badly to be an artist in the first place. I think the tour ended up being an avenue to spread light and love in the world and to engage with people that are interested in doing the same. It was an emotional journey and one I feel very blessed to have gone on.
You've voiced your own book, that's awesome! Would you like to continue developing in voiceover in the future?
— I loved doing the audio book for Blue Graffiti and would love to do more in the future. I've always wanted to get into voice work for animated films as well.
You are deeply passionate about sports. From an early age you played on the basketball team, and now we see you doing boxing and other physical activities. We often hear the phrase «if he's training for something, he's ready» because you look like a true warrior! Fill us in on what these workouts are giving you?
— Hahaha. I appreciate that. Yeah, athletics have always been a mainstay in my life. I played collegiate basketball and football and for many years had professional aspirations. This past year I’ve dedicated myself to the endurance racing sport of Hyrox. I’ve already done a couple competitions but I have some grand visions for my future in that sport and the fitness world in general. Fitness has been another essential element to my day to day well being. In a world of such unknown and chaos, it’s so important for me to have something of structure, not to mention an avenue to pour in my more animalistic, ferocious sort of passions and hyper masculine competitive fire. I think it’s healthy to balance it all. Keep your eye out because I think exciting things are coming.
Please tell us how many tattoos you have and what meaning do you put into them?
— I’ve collected quite the tapestry but I’m afraid the meanings will have to remain mysterious for the time being. What I’ll say is they’re all special and are tied to very important elements or people in my life.
Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?
— I find myself falling in love with new things constantly. Music, cinema, traveling, the outdoors, health and fitness, art. Most of all, I like to be with my family and those I love.
Favourite movie?
— Anything by Paul Thomas Anderson.
Favorite TV series?
— Game of Thrones.
Favorite game?
— Chess.
Favorite book?
— On the Road by Jack Kerouac.
Your favorite quote?
— «Carry the fire» Cormac McCarthy.
Favorite color?
— Blue.
Your favorite singer/band?
— Band of Horses.
Your favorite song?
— By My Side by The Paper Kites.
Three recent songs you've added to your playlist?
— Got You Right by Goldford, Old Pine by Ben Howard, Kyoto by Phoebe Bridgers.
What's your house from Game of Thrones?
— Stark.
Marvel or DC?
— Whichever hires me.
What's your Hogwarts House?
— Gryffindor.
Do you have an idol and if you do, who is it and why?
— My parents, unwavering love.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
— Passionate, fierce, loving.
What superpower would you like to have and why?
— Healing, myself and others.